?? I see what you did there.

Prepping for a writing test. The assigned topic?


I spent a small amount of time playing with Adobe Sketch today. I’m excited to really dig into it.

Today’s interview went well, I think. I have one week to write and return a project they sent. I’ll know more after that.

Spent much of the day transferring novel research from Bear to GoodNotes and also did some more research in general. Tomorrow, I have a writing project to start for a prospective employer. After that? WRITING FOR ME.

Considering a switch from Bear for my novel research. Except, I have no idea what to switch to.

Thank you :) I’m planning to try something new every month if I can.

Bullet journal pages (made in GoodNotes):



That’s why I got one. I can do all of my work right here :)