I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending you love and hugs!

I would love to, but unfortunately, that's not part of my job.

I would love to do that, but the company I'm freelancing for sent specific instructions to stick to spelling and punctuation. They stated that they know the writing is incredibly informal, but the authors don't want it altered, apparently.

It's making my eye twitch, haha. It's so hard to ignore the obvious grammatical and style errors. ugh.

Copyediting a book on security incident management and the writing is terrible. TERRIBLE.

But I'm under orders to only address spelling and punctuation.

I'm right there with you. I've been trying to reduce my consumption of the news, but it's been hard.

Helen Jane Long's Porcelain album in my earholes while I sip coffee and try to get this project completed before 2pm.

It's such a pain. I think the thing I hate the most is getting a promising lead, then engaging in back and forth with said lead, then getting radio silence. It's been happening quite often lately.

I'm so tired of freelance work that doesn't pay well. I just want a regular job again.

Nor have I.
