Ugh, migraines are the absolute worst. I hope you're able to avoid it or at least dull the intensity.

That's putting it lightly, haha, but yes.

Deactivated my Twitter account tonight. All apps and bookmarks have been deleted from all devices.

Yes! The weather has been absolutely wonderful. It even snowed a bit over the weekend. Just a trace, so nothing stuck around.

I've been well, thanks. Busy trying to find more freelance work, while also working a part-time job and teaching myself to code. How have you been?

Hello, 10C. I'm sorry I haven't been around lately.

Haha! He rarely stands still, so I had to snap this one quickly!

This phone certainly takes lovely photos!


It doesn't feel like a Friday to me and I can't decide whether that's good or bad.

I wonder if I'll be able to sleep tonight. My guess is no.